Thursday, February 5, 2015


                       RICH PEOPLE ACT IN SPIRE OF FEAR

The process of manifestation has the formula: thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, actions lead to results.

Millions of people "things" about getting rich, and thousands and thousands of people do affirmation, visualization and meditation for getting rich. I meditate almost every day, Yet I've never sat there meditation or visualization and had a bag of money drop on my head. I guess I'm just one of those unfortunate ones who actually has to do somethings to be a susccess

 Affirmation, meditation and visualizations are all wonderful tools, but as far as I can tell, none or then on its own is going to bring you real money in the real world, In the real world, your have to take real "action" to success. Why is action so critical?

Let's go back to our Process of Manifestation, Look at thought and feelings. Ae they part f the inner world or outer world? Inner world? Now look al results. are they part of the inner or outer world. That means action is the "bridge" between the inner world and the outer world.

So if action is so important, what prevents us from taking the actions we know we need to take?


Fear, doubt, and worry are among the greatest obstacles, not only to success, but to happiness as well. Therefore, one of the biggest differences between rich people and poor people is that rich people are willing to act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.

Susan Jeffers even wrote a fantastic book about this, entitled Feel the fear and do It Anyways. The biggest mistake most people make a waiting for the feeling of fear to subside or disappear before they are willing to act. These people usually wait forever.

Our of out most popular programs s the Enlinghtened Warrior Training Camp. In that training we teach that a true warrior can "tame the cobra of fear." It doesn't say kill the cobra. It doesn't say get rid of the cobra, and it certainly doesn't say run away from the cobra. It says "tame" the cobra.

It's imperative to realize that it is not necessary to try to get rid of fear in order to succeed. Rich and successful people have fear , rich and successful people have doubts, rich and successful people have worries. They just don't let these feelings stop them, Unsuccessful people have fears, doubts, and worries, then let those feelings stop them.

Because we are creatures of habit, we need to practice acting in spire of fear, in spire of doubt, om s[ore pf worry, in spire of uncertainty,  in spire of inconvenience, in spite of discomfort, and even to practice acting when we're not in the mood to act.


                     SLOW AND STEADY

Thomas Jefferson: author of the declaration of independence and third president of the United States.

Here’s the cold, hard truth: Unless you get really lucky, or you have a rich uncle who likes you that best and dies, it takes a long time to accumulate a lot of money.

If you view this fact as a reason to give up or simple not try, you will miss some of the greatest lessons life to offer. The lessons are learned in the journey, not in the destination. Throughout this book. Salomon has shared with us nuggets of gold, riches of his wisdom, and given us an understanding of the treasures in life we can accumulate while on the path to wealth.


Thomas Jefferson, one of our wisest founding father, stated, “Never spend your money before you have it. ” This is excellent advice, yet so many ignore this truth. Day after day they use their credit card to make purchases with the intent of paying for them later. Why? Because they, like most of us, are part of the immediate gratification generation. We want it now, and credit cards allow us to have it, Jefferson would be appalled.

I believe that one of the reasons we are in such a rush to accumulate wealth, which we believe will in turn provide for a better life, it that we are discontented with our current existence. Why is this? If you are reading this and are living in the developed world, you are already enjoying a better, more comfortable, easier life than most of the world. We have a propensity to forget, on a daily basis, how lucky we are even without a lot of money.

I’m just like everyone else. I face the same temptations, harbor the same desire, have big dreams, want nice things, and occasionally feel that I deserve more than I have. When these thoughts percolate to the top of my mind, I remind myself of several things. In the next twenty-four hours, approximately thirty thousand people, mostly children, will die of starvation. Thirty thousand! Over a billion people hhave no access to safe warer. In some parts of the world, any home over five hundred square feet is considered a mansion. Ninety-five percent of humanity lives on less than ten dollars a day.

Friday, January 30, 2015


                       YOUR MONEY BLUEPRINT

 From the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind-author Harv Eker

WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF DUALITY: UP AND DOWN, light and dark, hot and cold, in and out, fast and slow, right and left. There are but a few examples of the thousands of opposite poles. For one pole to exist, the other pole must also exist. Is it possible to have a right side without a left side? Not a chance.
Consequently, just as there are “outer”, laws of money, there must be “inner” laws. The outer include things like business knowledge, money management, and investment strategies. These are essential. But the inner Scretgame, is just as important. An analogy would be a carpenter and his tools. Having top-of-the-line tools is imperative, but being the top-notch carpenter who masterfully uses those tools es even more critical.
I have a saying: “ its not enough, to be in the right place al the right time. You have to be the right person in the right place al the right time”
So who are you? How do you think? What are your beliefs? What are your habits and traits? How do you really feed about yourself? How confident are you in yourself? How well do you relate to others? How much do you trust others?
Do you truly feel that you deserve wealth? What is your ability to act in spire of discomfort? Can you act when you’re not in the mood?
The fact is that you character, your thinking, and your beliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of your success.
One of my favorite authors, Stuart Wilde, puts in this way: The key to success it to raise your own energy; when you d, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill’em”
Your income can grow, only to the extent you do

Have you heard of people who have “blow up” financially? Have you noticed how some people have a lot of money and then lose it, or have excellent opportunities stars well but then go out on them? Now you know the real cause. On the outside it looks like bad luck, a downturn in the economy, a lousy partner, whaever. On the inside, however, it’s another matter. That’s why, if you come into big money when you’re not ready for it on the inside, chances are your wealth will he short-lived and you will lose it.
The vast majority of people simply do not have the internal capacity to create and hold on to large amounts of money and the increased challenges that go with more money and success. That, mey friends, is the primary reason they don’t have much money.
A perfect example is lottery winners. Research has shown again and again that regardless of the size of their winnings, most lottery winners eventually return to their original financial state, the amount they can comfortable handle.
On the other hand, the opposite occurs for self made millionaires. Notice that when self made millionaires lose their money, the usually have it back within a relatively short time. Donald Trump is a good example. Trump was worth billions, lost everything, and then a couple of years later got it all back again and more.

Why does this phenomenon occur? Because even though some self-made millionaires may lose their money, they never lose the most important ingredient to their success: their millionaire mind. Of course in “The Donald” case, it’s his “billionaire” mind. Do you realize Donald’s Trump could never be just a millionaire? It Donald Trump could never be just a millionaire? If Donald Trump had a net worth of only 1 million dollars, how do you think he’d feel about his financial success? Most people would agree that he’d probably feel broke, like a financial failute!

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Secrets of the Millonaire Mind, escrito por T. Harv Eker
 Make Money + savings = investment + simplification = dignified retirement

Wealth file #1
Rich people believe "I create my life"
Poor people believe "Life happens to me" 

Wealth file #2
Rich people play the money game to win.
Poor people play the money game to not lose

Wealth file #3
Rich people are committed to being rich.
Poor people want to be rich.

Wealth file #4
Rich people think big.
Poor people think small.

Wealth file #5
Rich people focus on opportunities.
Poor people focus on obstacles.

Wealth file #6
Rich people admire other rich and successful people.
Poor people resent rich and successful people.

Wealth file #7
Rich people associate with positive, succesful people.
Poor people associate with negative or unsuccesful people.

Wealth file #8
Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.
Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

Wealth file #9
Rich people are bigger then their problems.
Poor people are smaller then their problems.

Wealtf file #10
Rich people are excelent receivers.
Poor people are poor receivers

Wealth file #11
Rich people choose to get paid based on results.
Poor people choose to get paid based on time.

Wealth File #12
Rich people think "both"
Poor people think "either/or"

Wealth file #13
Rich people focus on their net worth.
Poor people focus on their working income.

Wealth file #14
Rich people manage their money well.
Poor people mismanage their money well.

Wealth file # 15
Rich people have their money work hard for them.
Poor people work hard for their money.

Wealth file #16
Rich people act in spite of fear.
Poor people let fear stop them.

Wealth file #17
Rich people constantly learn and grow.
Poor people think they already know.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


The seven deadly sins of investors

It has been almost five years since the worst of the financial crisis in the US, and investors have learned a lot since then, or at least that's what I think.

According to psychologists and financial advisors, little has changed in terms of the behavior of investors who continue to commit the kind of mistakes that have gotten into trouble for decades. Left dazzled by the latest trend, they want to follow the masses and just seem to overlook important details, such as high annual fees they charge many mutual funds.

There are ways around these setbacks. Investors need a concrete and rapid action to plan your investment objectives, need to find a financial or family trusted advisor to help them weigh their decisions and should stop paying so much attention to short-term events that are newsworthy.

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Then the seven deadly sins of investment and how to avoid them.

Lust: follow the recent performance

The investor belief that the recent performance will determine the future performance is one of the biggest traps that fall, experts say.

"People tend to invest in something that has fared well recently," says Terrance Odean, a finance professor at the Haas Business School of the University of California, Berkeley.

Before the financial crisis, investors immersed themselves in the housing market, convinced that housing prices never weaken.

The most recent example is gold. The metal had a rally even before the crisis, and investors rushed toward him. An important factor was the great attention soon received gold in all media.

To combat this behavior, advisors indicate that it is important to study rates and the historical performance of the popular investments. Instead of studying only the prices of the last months or years, notice periods that date back at least 10 years ago, and sometimes more. For example, gold prices have been rising since 2001, but in the long term have been lagging behind the actions and have barely kept pace with inflation.

Lehman Brothers filed for protection under the US bankruptcy law 15 September 2008. What investors have learned since then?

Pride: overconfident

Investors, especially novices, often think they know more than they actually know about a particular investment, say psychologists and counselors.

"Our view of ourselves is too high," says Odean, finance professor. "We all need a healthy dose of self-doubt and humility."

The best way for investors to control their overconfidence is sure to have an impartial person you can talk about your investment ideas. This person could be a financial advisor or a close friend or relative who is not affected directly by any decision.

Sloth: ignore the costs

Investors often simply do not pay attention to details. Consider your willingness to invest in expensive mutual funds that do not have good performance, says James Choi, an associate professor of finance at the Yale School of Management professor.

Investors, attracted by the name of a fund manager or the recent performance, do not look at the fees. Instead of investing in a fund that tracks a broad index such as the S & P 500, which charges a very low rate, many investors often place their bets on a managed by a professional stock picker charged a much higher share fund, Choi says.

But the most expensive funds tend to be lower than the economic results, Choi said, citing several studies.

Envy: want to join the club

Before the stock market debut of Facebook FB -0.21% in May 2012, financial advisers were inundated with calls from customers who want to have this before it went on sale That was only a limited number of securities to retail investors only increased the furor, analysts say.

The desire to be part of an exclusive issue often prompts people to make bets that do not fit with the overall objectives of a portfolio. Investors who put their money into Facebook just after its IPO saw action in the company fall below US $ 20 several months later, much less than its starting price of US $ 38. (The stock now trades at about US $ 41).

Susan Strasbaugh, owner of Strasbaugh Financial Advisory in Colorado, which has $ 100 million under management, recommended to open a separate account for investments like Facebook, which do not fit the portfolio of a client, and invest in them no more than 5% .

Ira: not admit failure

People hate losing money. The loss aversion, as psychologists call it, is common. Was when investors refused to sell the shares of technology companies as industry bubble burst in early 2000, just as they did with financial stocks during the crisis, as they still do today.

"We want to be honest with ourselves and admit the loss," notes Brad Klontz, a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of financial planning at the State University of Kansas.

This thinking can be dangerous. If you regret a decision, it could be sold too soon, but if you can not accept defeat and costs of an investment, you could keep active for too long, say the psychologists.

Instead of only investigating the finances of a company, investors must analyze the whole economic climate, experts say. If a company depends on the recovery of the labor or housing market to have good performance, investors have to understand the landscape of these areas and plan their investments based on that.

Gula: live the moment

Often workers do not save ahead of time because they perceive their retirement as a distant event. The key, says Klontz, is to have a series of questions about what lifestyle you want to take when you retire: How old? Where will you live? What is he doing?

When the investor will see that there are only 20 or 30 years to retire, he is encouraged to contribute more to your retirement plan.

Greed: follow the masses

When the stock market collapsed in 2008, many investors fled stocks. The same phenomenon occurs now with the bond market as investors move away from debt, concerned about rising interest rates.

To combat the inevitable fear of a stock market decline or other adverse events, advisers say it is crucial that investors have a detailed plan which be loyal regardless of short-term events. The plan should outline its target for bonds, stocks and other investments, and be based on your retirement goals.



Recently this developing Theory Thinking Psychological Financial, which bind first scientific knowledge of economics and psychology to make financial decisions and their main flagship is the Nobel Prize for economics in 2012 the American Daniel Kehneman.

People should save and invest for and achieve financial freedom for ourselves and our family, to achieve these need a life plan, which must begin now, no time is more appropriate that this time or before.

We all drink to have a dream, but to make it happen, we must have determination, deification, and effort, all this joined in an economic-financial-psychological plan that minimizes the risks of our savings and investments, people who do not know their needs these may not know your future needs, saving and investing now or before, to enjoy later, which is the same as DEFER YOUR PLEASURES AND HAPPINESS.

The foregoing is far from the consumer culture of Latinos, we think more in the present than in the future, and we are very emotional and let us win and manipulated easily, accepting truths and promises little bit serious offers and achievable, in this plays an important role consumer advertising and easily change mirrors for gold as did the Indians who inhabited this continent to the arrival of the "discoverer" Cristobal Colon ago 522 years and still we are cheated by "companies" prey on our pockets and our resources as Telefree, Barrick Gold, Falcombridge, etc., all with the complicity of the governments of turns that only seek their own benefits and their supporters not in the collective benefits of the country, which is the main objective for which they are elected.

Any firm or company alleged that does not produce goods or sevices, can not generate greater benefits than those established company, NOTHING CAN BE SO ATTRACTIVE TO BE REAL, we learn that fast and high profits can not be real, if so would all be rich and that's a utopia that we must learn if we want to ensure the money we earn working with many sacrifices and should serve as a platform to secure our future and that of our family and not allow WOLVES' dresses meek lambs take ownership of our future.

At present this case is repeated with the alleged "business" Telefree, which declared bankruptcy in the United States, but even before had declared the same in Brazil and Dominican Republic, thousands of citizens are with hands on head and the cry that reaches to heaven because you have allowed stolen, savings, many sold their properties and left well-paying jobs to devote full time to build a pyramid of sand, it was a matter of time its collapse, like everything is constructed without a firm and reliable footing, and authorities WELL THANKS, in this case we speak of a fraud of $ 150 million.

Already said King Solomon in his proverbs:

The 28-19 says: He who tills the land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies will fill of poverty;

and 28-22 proverb says: He hurries to be rich miser, and knows not that he has to reach poverty.

Let the reader draw their own conclusions, what everyone does with their money, product of sweat from his forehead is your own responsibility.

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                                   THE SECRETS OF THE WISE SALOMON

THE SECRETS OF SALOMON, written by Bruce Fleet, is the founder and president of Fleet Capital Management, LLC in Colorado:

Ecclessiates 5:10 He who loves money never has enough whoever loves wealth never will be satisfied with their income.

Proverbs 22:29 Seest thou a man diligent in his work? Before kings, he shall not stand before dark men.

Proverbs 21:05 - The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Proverbs 1:19 - This is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gains (greed); takes away the life of those who succeed

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                                     WALL STREET AND EXCHANGE

Wall Street like bags of European and Asian values all types of securities are traded, shares and investors mostly rooted winning or losing your investment with increased market value of the shares t / or distribution of profits produce dividends from shares, investors also have the advantage that their investments are easily marketed, and converted into cash easily, naturally if you are willing to give a minimum portion of your investment.

A great advantage Wall Street and stock exchanges in the world is that  potential investor, need not be based in the country that makes the investment, just a bank account with US $ 1,000.00 dollares or more in any country in the world have technology to transfer a broker in the country of investment, some business knowledge and above all very lucky.

The greatest exponent of the economic gains that can be obtained on the stock exchanges, which represents the third richest man in the world Mr. Warren Buffet, who gave lecture on how and where to invest your money, producing the highest profitability the lowest possible risk.

Currently courses are proven Internet as investing in the stock market until there is a virtual stock market for beginners who wish to make investment in this exciting business, the page is, there do business simulated like in the bag actual values, you can see the daily values of the shares and can make purchases of securities sales in real time but simulated.

                                      EXCHANGE DOMINICAN

It is an imitation of the stock market on Wall Street, but unlisted shares, as rather the company used this instrument to raise funds, primarily with the issue or bonds and other securities, at a lower rate than offering local banks.

Dominican Republic is a very special country, and so in particular its institutions work, see, that no shares are traded like all the bags in the world, is because companies Dominicans generally belong to family groups or nuclei very closed, and above all have a return, above all economies of the world, so we prefer to place bonds and bills and other securities paying interest also above what they pay the stock exchanges of the world, are currently placing bonds with maturities of 1, 2, 3,5,10, and up to 30 years with an interest of up to 7% in US $ dollars and up to 16% in RD $ pesos, profitability very difficult to find in other economies.

This is an indicator of how the Dominican Economic up, you can afford that other countries are not present, is now more profitable to invest their money in Dominican Republic than in any country in the world where the principal debtor is the government Dominican which has the sovereign guarantee of tax receipts, is also an indicator that local banks is the most profitable in the world, by the margin between lending and deposit rates in dollar a passive rate is paid not more than one 2% and active is between one and 12%, while in RD $ deposit rate is at a maximum of 5% and active is between 12 and 20%, all by way of consequence is an indicator that local businesses have a yield of around 50% in order to be profitable in this country and prefer an exchange to place bonds instead of placing shares.

Good business is to borrow in foreign bank at a rate of 3-4% in bonds and place bag Dominican values to 7%.

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